
Save your reputation, profit margins and the hassle of re-work.

“We use Ovaboard on a regular basis to protect our polished concrete floors throughout the building process. It is a very simple product to lay and does a great job at protecting our floors. We have the majority of our clients using Ovaboard as they now realise that it is a small price to pay to protect their floors as opposed to re-polishing a finished floor that has been damaged due to no protection.”

Garth Urquhart

Director, GrindKing Bethlehem, Tauranga

Give your customer’s peace of mind that their new floor is protected.

OvaBoard literally saved my floor. We laid it down the hallway during our bathroom renovations which saved the carpet from work mess and boot dust. It's amazing how many times each tradesmen comes in and out each day! We left it down for about 4 weeks while the work was being done which meant there was no set up time each day. I just swept and vacuumed it.   My husband even spilt paint on it which would have been enough to soak through a drop cloth but was easy to clean off the OvaBoard. Phew.

Kat Sutherland

Home owner